Monday, September 21, 2015

Yvonne Jones, A Time To Heal; The Struggles of a Battered Woman on: Signs of an Abuser

Hi friends, October is Domestic violence awareness month. Now there's nothing wrong with having a month set aside to make people aware of something, but just  like Cancer, other diseases, child abuse etc. it doesn't just happen during these months, it happens every minute of every day.
      Abuse whether its spousal abuse or child abuse is something people don't like to discuss but if you have kids, are dating, single and looking, etc. you need to know that every man or woman you meet are not always the perfect individuals they claim to be. One of the first signs of a potential abuser is what the bible calls a froward mouth and a flattering tongue. Proverbs 26:28. How does the saying go? Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.  Lets face it most people are going to put their best foot forward, and show only their best qualities when you first meet them.
     So just remember, if it sounds too good to be true then its probably a lie. Listen to what he or she says, it won't take long to see if they really telling the truth or just shooting you a line. Tune in next time for "Short Fuses."

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