Have you ever been around somebody who just about everything you say or do they disagree with? You really wanted
to tell them that you didn't agree, but doing so would bring about an argument,
or even worse. This is one of the biggest forms of abuse that is so damaging.
Sometimes you have to learn to agree to disagree, that's true and sometimes in
order to keep peace, its better to just let them believe you agree whether you
do or not. However in a relationship that's abusive this is very dangerous. If
you start out in the beginning having to agree with someone just to keep from
getting hit etc. then you need to get out as soon as possible.
My ex-husband
told me many times that I was stupid, fat, ugly, and that nobody but him would
ever love me. He would often say you are stupid aren't you? Then tell me I'd
better say yes or he would kill me etc. I found myself many times agreeing with
whatever he said just hoping that it would calm him down and even then
sometimes it didn't matter. If I agreed he'd hit me, if I didn't agree he'd hit
me, and it got to the point that it didn't matter whether I spoke or didn't say
anything at all, he would still hit me. If you have to keep peace by agreeing
to something that you disagree with, then this is abuse.
God created each one
of us different, we all have different personalities; you may not always
agree with me and I may not always agree with you, but that doesn't give us the
right to hurt someone because of it. The longer you stay in this kind of an
abusive relationship, the harder it is mentally to get out. Next: "I'm
being watched."